Notice to Residents: HHA Offices Closed to the Public/Rent Payment Dropbox @ Main Office [NO LATE FEE FOR APRIL]

As a precautionary measure end until further notice The Hoboken Housing Authority Manager’s/Administrative Offices are closed to the public. HHA continues to operate Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM. ( closed from 12 PM to 1 PM for lunch)

if you have a question, comment, concern or maintenance issue; please contact your site manager’s office.

Rent Collections/Payment :

Please use the secured dropbox at the main office (400 Harrison St. ) to pay your rent. A payment receipt will be mailed once the payment has been processed. if you have lost your job or temporarily unemployed due to COVID-19 : Please contact your site manager.


{Todas las oficinas están cerradas para el público en precaución del COVID-19. Los Gerentes están disponibles por teléfonos de Lunes a Viernes de 8 AM ha 4 PM ( almuerzo de 12 PM ha 1 PM)

Como Pagar Su Alquiler [sin recargos por abril]

Para pagar su alquiler lleve su cheque o money order a la oficina principal (400 Harrison St. ) y deposite su pago en la casilla o buzón. El recivo de su pago se le enviará por correo.

Si ha perdido su trabajo o tiene dificultad en pagar su alquiler llame a su Gerente.

Patricia Blanco [201-239-2181]

Adams Gardens (220 Adams Street)

FoxHill Gardens (311, 13th St.)

Monroe Gardens (221 Jackson St.)

Jaron Footman [201-239-2178]

Andrew Jackson north

Shawna Oliver [201-239-2191]

Andrew Jackson south

Yolanda Sissoko [201-239-2167]

Harrison Gardens and Christopher Columbus Gardens

see below picture of dropbox

[ lugar para depositar su pago]


Rent collection dropbox [ buzón para pagar su alquiler]

We encourage our residents to utilize the dropbox at the 400 Harrison St., Main Office to pay the rent. A receipt will be mailed once the payment has been processed

deposite su pago de alquiler y recibirá su recivo por correo.


Notice to Residents: COVID-19: Social Distancing/Self Isolation @ HHA


ShopRite/Acme/Kings: Senior/Disabled Shopping Hours [ Hora de Compras Designadas para Ancianos y Personas con discapacidades ]